Kitchen Sink Lyrics 21 Pilots

Nobody thinks what i think nobody dreams when they blink think things on the brink of blasphemy i m my own shrink think things are after me my catastrophe at my kitchen sink you don t know what that means.
Kitchen sink lyrics 21 pilots. General commentin the interviews twenty one pilots in 21 minutes tyler tells us that a kitching sink can be anything. Regional at best 2011 guns for hands. For example an object that symbolises something. Holding on to you.
Nobody thinks what i think nobody dreams when they blink think things on the brink of blasphemy i m my own shrink think things are after me my catastrophe at my kitchen. Twenty one pilots lyrics. Something personal that only you understand. For tyler that object is a kitching sink.
Kitchen sink lyrics. Nobody thinks what i think nobody dreams when they blink think things on the brink of blasphemy i m my own shrink think things are after me my catastrophe.